SUP, Kayak and Waterbike Rentals

Stand Up Paddle Boards and Kayak rentals at Lagoa de Óbidos (Foz do Arelho)

Try or enjoy paddle boarding, with your family, friends, or solo, comfortably on the sandy beach of Foz do Arelho, on the north bank of Lagoa de Óbidos.

If “walking on water” is not your thing, we also have comfortable and safe kayaks, or fast and light kayaks, depending on your choice. Depending on availability, participants may opt for double* or single kayaks.
*There is a triple kayak for families with young children

Location:  On the shore of Lagoon, next to the Foz do Atelho motorhome park, 200 meters to the left of the pier and access ramp to the water. (coords: 39.427766, -9.220142)

Price List:


Kayak rentals 30min 1h 2h ½ day  1 day
Duplo 12,50 € 20,00 € 35,00 € 50,00 € 60,00 €
Single 10,00 € 15,00 € 25,00 € 40,00 € 50,00 €
SUP rentals 30min 1h 2h ½ day  1 day
Arrow 10.2´ 10,00 € 12,50 € 20,00 € 40,00 € 55,00 €
Waterbike rentals 30min 1h 2h ½ day  1 day
Arrow 10.2´ 20,00 € 30,00 € 55,00 € 75,00 € 100,00 €

* Values ​​exempt from VAT (art. 53º)

Rental includes kayak/SUP + paddles/paddles + seats + vests.
During the rental period, the customer is entirely responsible for any and all damage caused to the rented equipment, to himself and to third parties.
Includes:  ½ day and 1 day rentals are subject to a deposit, which will be returned when the equipment is returned.
Rental of wetsuits or waterproof bag adds €5, depending on availability

Outside the bathing season (Summer), prior reservations are required for any rentals.

Seleccione a sua opção | Select your option
Todas as actividades sujeitas a uma marcação prévia, dependente da disponibilidade e válida somente após confirmação. | All activities subject to prior booking, depending on availability and valid only after confirmation.
Quanto pesam os participantes? (de modo a adequar o tamanho dos coletes de flutuação obrigatórios por lei) | How much do the participants weigh? (in order to adjust the size of buoyancy vests required by law)
O facto de saber ou não nadar não afecta o decorrer da actividade, mas influi no tipo de equipamento de segurança a utilizar. | The fact of knowing how to swim or not does not affect the course of the activity, but it does influence the type of safety equipment to be used.
Nome+Sobrenome | Name+Surname
Insira o seu E-mail
Insira o seu número de telemóvel para aviso caso surja algum imprevisto. | Enter your mobile phone number for notification in case of any unforeseen events.
Apenas para alugueres de 1/2 dia ou 1 dia. | Only for 1/2 day or 1 day rentals.
Indique o seu número de contribuinte se pretender factura com NIF | Indicate your tax number if you want an invoice with VAT
há algo que acha que devemos saber? (doenças, dificuldades, expectativas, receios?) Sofre de alguma alergia, doença, patologia, incapacidade ou condição que possa influenciar a sua capacidade de realizar o evento e da qual queira informar-nos? (facultativo) | Is there anything you think we should know? (diseases, difficulties, expectations, fears?) - Do you suffer from any allergy, disease, pathology, disability or condition that could influence your ability to hold the event and which you would like to inform us about? (optional)
Por favor indique as suas opções

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